Boy, how long since the last time, uh? I mean, spending the
summer working on my final project and starting my graduate studies this year
has not left me with much time for here, but every now and then, I will try to
not leave this as a wasteland.
Where were we again? Boy, still at electromagnetism? Well, if
we’re gonna do this we have to go through this all the way to the end. I was
supposed to introduce you to Maxwell’s Equations, and they’re honestly my favorite
of all parts in classical Electrodynamics. Why? Well, because these equations
beautifully bring together concepts that were once considered as having
different nature. I don’t know if you realized it, but so far, we have spoken
about electric field and magnetic fields. They sound different and they
interact in fundamentally different ways with charges. Now two things are
missing right now, and those are the interactions between electric and magnetic
fields, and how they in the end, will reveal themselves as just being different
manifestations of the same field.
The first person we will talk about is this guy which you have
probably heard about:
This fellow right is
Faraday, Michael Faraday (*cue to the James Bond theme*). Now Faraday was amazing
in many ways. For once, he made fundamental discoveries and has a whole list of
things named after him. Arguably, his most important contribution to physicists
(and I am a physicist, at least, according to my degree, I am in a subfield of
physics) being what we will discuss next. Chemists might say that
electrochemistry (a field he kickstarted) might be his greatest contribution,
and neuroscientists agree with them. And he didn’t have any formal education,
although back then, if you had YouTube and Wikipedia, everyone could be a
Faraday. He was the only one, however, who had the insight to go further. He
was arguably the best experimentalist of his time, and he even became Fullerian
professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution. But his mathematical skills
were kind of, well, not impressive, not knowing beyond trigonometry and simple
algebra. It took the work of another fellow to formalize his results in a
mathematical manner. Now, while I could spend the entire day talking about
Faraday, his biography is way too interesting and this post would be too long.
But I have my commentaries for him in the future.
Now, for the most important thing he discovered (in physics), we
first need to look again at the magnetic field. So far one thing that our field
has always been is static. It didn’t change once, believe me, I checked. It
doesn’t depend on time. So, naturally, one would think, “Hummm, I wonder what
happens if this thing started changing somehow”. Now, Faraday was doing
experiments with coiled wires (Remember from the last chapter, where we
discussed that a current on a wire can generate a magnetic field), and passing
the current in one coil, he noticed that another current was generated on the
other coil. Now this is known intuitively, we know not to take our electric
devices in a MRI room. But this was revolutionary. Essentially, with a magnetic
field, you generated a current, you made charges move. Now. That all sounds
cool, and I will even use a Wikipedia image to show the apparatus he had.
Now this is all very cool, I mean, it’s
something you can do at home. But be careful. All this sounds very cool but if
I were to ask you right now, “How does the magnetic field generate
electricity?”, you would be able to tell me. And that’s why we have mathematical
formulae and equations. Love’em or hate’em, mathematics describes our
fundamental laws of reality, and the best way to confront your fears is to face
them. That advice is something I should follow in relation to bugs, by the way,
but what can I do?
So, a way to start
would be to look at some other details that may influence the intensity of the
current of potential difference generated. And that is what Faraday did. I told
you guys he was a great experimentalist. And the final description he got something
Now, let me break that
down for you. Essentially what he did was to first change the magnetic field,
which is easy to do, he just add to
change the current passing through the wire, by changing the resistance, or by
introducing a capacitor (we can talk about electric circuits later). The other
way is to change the area of the coiled wire. Essentially the expression
depended on the magnetic field and on the area this magnetic field crossed, or
better said, in the change of these parameters over time. Now something I
forgot to tell you back then was that there is a relation between the potential
difference, or voltage and the electric field. Essentially if you were to
measure the potential difference in two thing different points, what you would
find would be equivalent to the electric field in these points and the distance
between the two points. Something like
So that the expression
below can be described as
Although the proper
description is not like this, we still must consider a closed loop, such that
b-a is equal to 0, but don’t worry, that does not turn the expression above to
zero. And this is a relatively simple way to write Faraday’s Law, if you don’t
know integrals or differentials. Since both changes in B and A affect the E
generated we can consider the product of both quantities as the parameter that
changes over time. That new quantity is the magnetic flux of the magnetic field
B in the surface A. If it regular plane we could use the old expression, but
more than often we have to consider more complex surfaces with weird shapes.
The proper way to
describe this law would be:
Suppose you have a closed path C. The change
of the magnetic flux B in the surface S defined by C generates a potential
difference V in C (or generates an electric field E along the path, if you
prefer this formulation).
Again, if we have a
weird shape, the best approach would be to divide the area in some small areas
dS. So, your quantity flux will be defined for each small regular area as being
. Now a couple of things you may have forgotten about before.
The magnetic field is a vector field, which means it depends on direction, but
as we said, we only care about the magnetic field that goes through the area
element dS. So the way we express that in vector calculus, is by writing . That is a inner product between the magnetic field and the
normal direction n, which means the direction perpendicular to the area element
dS. As you know from high-school math, this value is maxed if both vectors face
the same direction and is zeros if the vectors are perpendicular. So this way
you can guarantee that all your values are only those of the magnetic field
lines crossing the surface. Sometimes, in times, they will join dS which is the
area element and the normal direction n in a single quantity or . That is mostly for notation purposes, but it will show up
more. Finally, after having the expression for each individual area element dS,
we need to add them together so that we can find the total magnetic flux. Let’s
call that because that name is too
long. So we are adding a potentially infinite number of elements inside of an
area S or A. We could use the old summation term, but there is a neat trick
Newton (or Leibniz, depending on where you stand on the issue) made a few
centuries ago called Calculus. And we will use one of the most useful tools it
provided us called integral. Essentially it can be written as
And that is essentially
the magnetic flux. Usually the first description of a flux is the electric
flux, but I changed the orders a bit this time. Anyway, if you want the
expression for the electric is the same thing. You just change the B for an E
in the expression above and
Great, now we are free
from the flux, and we can rewrite our expression above as
But there is a major
problem with this expression, because it is not totally correct. We are
assuming that the magnetic flux changes instantaneously, but, the change is
continuous and smooth. We can divide this change in smaller and smaller chunks
of time, like
We are almost reaching
the best description for the induction law, but we still must deal with the
left term of the equation. When we were talking about the magnetic flux we said
that we wanted to generalize the expression for when we have complex shapes.
Well, the same thing happens on this other. Sometimes the path described by our
expression does not necessarily mean that a path can be easily described by
just two points. Surely many of you have seen a wire, and you know, many times,
you can’t just use two points to draw it. The same logic applies in this case.
A way to approach this would be, like in the case of the magnetic flux, for us
to divide the magnetic flux in small chunks of lines, let’s call them dl, l of
length. Knowing that, the electric field is a vector field, and that we only
are concerned with the electric field in the same direction as the path we can
reach the same conclusion as we did with the flux. So this is expression that
defines the potential difference
We could replace this
in the final expression, but first let me remind you the first part of our
formal definition: “(…) closed path C (…)”. Meaning that, this integral we
defined needs to be considered in a closed path, where the initial and final
points are the same. The final expression would then be
And this is Faraday’s
Law of Induction, as defined mathematically by Maxwell in its integral form.
This expression is arguably of one the first that shows an intimate connection
between magnetism and electricity. But things don’t end here, and the
connections are just getting started.